Well bless my heart it's time to celebrate Christmas here at Stacy From Louisville! (infer giddy, girly clapping and shrieking) Don't you just feel all sugar plumy and egg noggy thinking about it? In little more than a month all of Christendom will celebrate the birth of Christ, even though He wasn't born on December 25th. But we won't let that stop us, will we? That's right, obscured facts never stopped us before so why should Christmas time be any different? And I love that I get to celebrate it with you. It makes me want to roast chestnuts in your general direction.
Since you're the world's best blog audience I'd like to play a fun game today. I made you something special and here it is.
Caption This Photo:

There's so much to work with here, the only limits are your own creativity. Like I always say, the more ridiculous the better. And if you put a thick layer of God sauce on it, well,...that would be a Christmas miracle. (Or, perhaps a
Festivus for the Rest of Us?)
Oh, dear readers. What a Christmas season this will be!
The official Stuff Christians like Nativity set comes complete with dinosaur and worship eagle. That orange robot thing in the background not included.
I can't think of a caption but wow! that looks just like my nativity scene. Throw in a few Bionicles and we're set.
My boys like to take part in the Christmas decorating process when I'm not looking. I used to try to take the toys out of the tree and anywhere else I found them but they would see they were gone and be hurt. So I decided it was best to have a Bionicle/Dinosaur/Hot Wheel/Transformer tree than sad, hurt, boys.
You know how Herrod died, right? Jesus sent that Christmas eagle down to grab up that Herrod. He dropped him down to feed the awaiting, hungry Rex. That robot was the one that wrote about it, but it wasn't included in the canon (but it was the most exciting book written, called the book of Nebatron).
you had me at "egg nog."
Little known fact about Christmas:
The three wisemen actually consisted of IronMan, a dinosaur, and an angel riding a Worship Eagle.
source: en.wikipedia.com
Who said you couldn't find solid information on the internet?
New Bionicles...saving the world from celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving one nativity set at a time, (Bionicle comes complete with dinosaur and worship eagle for those extremely tough to handle cases).
amend mine to Iron Man not included.
I had no idea what that orange robot thingy was supposed to be...
Oh I get it. Iron man represents Joel Olsteen. What would Joel Olsteen be doing in a nativity scene. That just doesn't make any sense...
There was a book a few years ago that had a chapter about that very kind of nativity... which is the best kind... especially with the worship eagle... that chapter title was "God Rest Ye Merry Silverhawks."
Giant worship eagle kidnaps sweet baby Jesus: Giant Iron Man and dinosaur sidekick called upon to fight rogue eagle and return tiny baby savior.
Christmas was ruined that year when the angels showed up dressed for Halloween.
WOW - this is fantasmagorifically super. (I had to invent a new word for it) The only way it could be better would be to have some members of the veggie tales nativity set in there.
Thanks for the giggles!
"Jon Acuff's childhood playtime."
"The Lost Thomas Kinkade Aesthetic"
or "Where Thomas Kinkade REALLY got his inspiration to paint"
Zack says "We're here to eat your baby".
Will says, "Hello Jebus (he wants it to be Jebus, not Jesus). My name is Iron Man, I'm here to save the day. Give the three gifts to the eagle, and I'll be on my way. No, Dinosaur, you may not eat the baby, we kinda need him.'
Not content to insist that December celebrations include mention of Hanukkah and Kwanzaa; local public school boards are encouraging the kids to also remember to include druidism, animism and the worship of Saturday morning superheroes in their holiday festivities. Or anything else that's lying around the toy cupboard.
I laughed at your nativity scene, but laughed even harder imagining you sitting there playing with each piece to set up the perfect scene. It reminded me of a website that I think you will just love. It's the "Calvacade of Bad Nativities." If you don't love it, I'll refund you in full. :)
"The wolf will live with the lamb, the leopard will lie down with the goat, and the worship eagle shall rejoice with the Ironman." - II Isaiah 11:6b
The angel hitched a ride,
To announce far and wide,
The worship eagle boar
Her to see the dinosaur,
"Mister dinosaur,"
"Something to make you roar,"
"A new-born king to view,"
"Iron man, he will come too"
"Let me be succinct,"
"I think I'd be extinct,"
"My roar, it would not thrill,"
"Iron Man, me he would kill,"
"Silly reptile,"
"You'd make the baby smile,"
"Because He made you,"
"You are His creation, too"
Dinosaur was slow of feet,
Iron man he did meet,
Both went to see the lad,
In the end, both were glad,
(& etc.)
No wonder the shepherds were terrified!
So funny....too funny....I am about to die laughing and it is your fault....if my last words are dinosaur, Iron Man, and baby Jesus...
Whatever did I do to be worthy of your musical comment? That. Takes. The. Cake. The light shines a little brighter in "The 'Ville" because of you!
Kelli, you just had to send me to that ridiculous site. I wasted half hour looking at it, but LOL.
btw Stacy's creche would be hard to top. I don't even possess the junk it would take to beat it.
Happy Holidays!
@ Vanilla- I'm sorry! (not really). You only wasted 30 minutes? I think I've wasted hours!
I love that site because everything on there is actually real and it just makes me laugh that we create so much junk! My friend and I lovingly refer to cheesy Jesus stuff as "cheesus" stuff.
I love the comments on that site. Like this blog and SCL, the comments are just as funny as the original post.
(did you see part 2?)
Stacy, you have stiff comment competition. The only thing that trumps the actual photo is sonneta's "par-rump-pum-pum-pum." Brrrrilliant-pum-pum-pum.
But in my heart, I know the dinosaur, the red guy, and the worship eagle are simply the three wise guys in disguise.
This looks like the Schultheis Family Nativity Scene. Except ours had Barbie and Super heros in line with the wise men. I like the dinosaur and eagle.
How about..
"Nativity of Tolerance"
Proof that dinosaurs were not yet extinct at the time of Jesus Birth.
Stacy, What an absolute gift to have found your blog today.
I have always enjoyed your commenting on SCL, and didn't even know you had your own gig.
I have bookmarked you---I only have 4 blogs bookmarked, but yours will be one of them as long as you are writing---
I have read nearly every entry, and am so moved and so enraptured. I know you will just point to sweet little baby Jesus as your inspiration and muse, but WOW---what a gift..
I still have tears on my face from some of your posts, and from others, a whole collection of funny phrases and snappy buzz words and hilarious stories which I may tweak a little and claim as my own!
(just kidding, but man, you are one funny gal)
OK, as for this your post...here's my caption:
"Be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind."
(That IS a transformer, right..? Being a Girl Mom, I don't know about the various superperforming Worldsavers that all you BoyMoms do...)
And you haven't seen a truly Holy Christmas crech until you've seen the stable surrounded by various My Little Ponys in pink, purple and rainbow array.
Dang...OK so he's IronMan.
It would be funnier if he were a Transformer.
Or do they even have those things anymore?
(And BTW, my word verification is "Sychanes" which would make an awesome name for a guy with superpowers.)
I am disappointed to see no unicorn in this nativity.
Whatever was I thinking?
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