Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Defined Abs (or Yoga Plan B)

This is a Stacy From Louisville Public Service Announcement. Watch carefully.

This is brilliant. To think, I got it on YouTube for free! Here I am, practically unable to feed my family due to pricey yoga classes, when this has been out there all along. I'm a horrible, selfish person. So I gave this a shot but all I could track down was a yellow highlighter. Unfortunately, my abs don't look as defined as much as they look like I've got hepatitas. Or stupidity. (Incidentally, there are strains of either one are incurable.)

Please make special notes of what is said at :23 and 1:33. Priceless. Kids, I'm telling you, it doesn't get better than this.


  1. Oh, you'll convince yourself eventually that it works.

  2. Wow... um... I kept waiting for it NOT to look like a marker drawn on the skin. I waited in vain.
    That was too funny though... I guess I need to use a lot more powder.

  3. Poor thing. She needs LASIK I guess. That looks like my 9 year old did it...and maybe that's insulting to my 9 year old.

    Thank goodness she didn't use more. I would have been "intimidated".

  4. So funny! I had to steal it and put it on my FB page. ;) hahaa!!

  5. I was once in a dance recital with a woman who drew a six-pack on herself, but she used self-tanner and it looked pretty good.

  6. I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant...do you think this would still work?

  7. Wow...I was kinda digging the piano music in the background - otherwise, it was pretty useless to me. Are there any "how to" vids for erasing stretch marks?

    I didn't believe the British accent. Those abs are not the only fake thing about that poor girl.

  8. Funny! It became less funny though when I went to the actual youtube page and it said it was a joke. Oh well.

  9. Just clicked through from SCL randomly and felt I had to comment in slight defense of Natalie. The 'British accent' sounds fake because it's an Australian accent...see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Tran.

    I found it more funny to discover this was satire - otherwise I'd be feeling kinda bad for laughing at her...maybe.

  10. This is awesome. :) I gotta get me a marker!
